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Growth Marketing to Support Global Expansion for Schlam

Schlam is an Australian-based leading provider of diversified mining and engineering solutions for more than two decades.

Schlam are specialists in manufacturing Payload Equipment and offer Mining Service Support and Engineering Solutions. Schlam’s mission is to challenge what operators think they can achieve with their fleet of open pit and underground machines.

In 2020, the company embarked on a transformational journey and set out to build on their successful growth in Australia and expand into overseas mine sites by strengthening its brand and building solid brand awareness to warm up the market for the commercial team.

With a clear heatmap and established business objectives, the fileroom team collaborated with the Schlam team to consolidate brands and commence growing international audiences in selected markets.

Growth Marketing Objectives

Grow Schlam's digital brand presence after a consolidation of several group companies under the one Schlam brand.
Build brand awareness in markets where the Schlam brand was not well known amongst mining companies, and build social audience followers  defined locations.
Attract qualified visitors to the website and engage them with content to support knowledge about Schlam's payload and people solutions.
A strategic paid media approach to reach the right people at the right time, building a highly relevant audience for the brand, and initiating brand building through content marketing.

Our Starting Point

The products offered by Schlam Payload are characterised not only by a long purchase decision cycle, but also by a team decision, where different decision makers, influencers and, of course, blockers intervene. 

A very specific conversation needs to take place with technical requirements and performance specifications that involve long and detailed conversations and conversion moments. It is a fact that we are not going to sell large mining dump truck bodies online, but we can create awareness, influence engagement and decision-making through growth marketing efforts. 

We explored how to use digital media to track Schlam's acquisition channels and effectively build a lead machine in uncharted territories, while also considering how can we create a pro-brand environment that allowed the sales team to start building relationships.

As a growth agency, fileroom's first approach was to understand deeply the customer journey and the buyer personas’ interests involved for the different areas of Schlam's business. We worked with the Schlam team to develop a growth marketing strategy mixing different channels that would allow both brand building and conversion of potential customers in markets where the brand was not yet well known.

Our Approach

A traditional paid media campaign would be inadequate to achieve the established brand objectives. It became necessary to involve in the strategy the variables of different purchase decision makers and the time in which the decision is carried out. 

After research and strategic design-thinking workshops with Schlam's leading team, we identified the audience's key triggers. We defined the brand's role as the new kid on the block against competitors in overseas markets. We carefully considered the fact that one-to-one relationships are highly valued and that suppliers are viewed through lenses that look far beyond product quality. And we established that everything is involved: the brand, the experience, the people behind it, the partners, and the team's ability to react. 

We were selling more than Schlam's flagship product, the Hercules dump bodies, we were selling Schlam's Brand, Australian Mining Strength, and Aussies Ingenuity.

The Action Plan

We tailored an Always-On, Always-Targeting campaign. It is a paid campaign focused on activating only the most frequent channels used by the target audience with a moderate-low budget, but with a long duration over time. Aiming to get reach and frequency and trigger the desired brand engagement.

For Attraction:

  • Custom-designed, cross-channel campaign digital brand strategy focused on growing qualified audience and interest in Schlam Payload and People Solutions.
  • Paid media and editorial initiatives to support campaign activities.
  • Hercules product marketing campaign - Australian and overseas markets.

For Discovery and Engagement:

  • Content strategy and execution across social, editorial and search channels.

For Conversion:

  • Design the digital ecosystem, work with the Schlam sales team for the best possible customer experience, and integrate touchpoints to provide seamless customer service.

For Scale:

  • Work with the Schlam IT team to Implement HubSpot CRM and integrate it with Microsoft Dynamics for marketing automation and sales enablement to execute an always-on environment and align activities and feedback loops between sales, marketing and after-service teams.

The Results:

Connect with us to learn how growth marketing can benefit your business.

In Summary

Over the two years of working with the Schlam team, we achieved positioning of the Schlam brand in the Australian and global markets, while also increasing marketing budget efficiency through strategic growth marketing initiatives and experimentation.

Ready to Scale your Business to Serious Growth? Download our Growth Marketing Workbook to Build your Plan Today! 

  • Vector +61 1300 345 376
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    Wembley WA 6014

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